Nintendo--it's a toy, but it's not a game. Toys have real influence in shaping young minds and emotions, more than parents realize. When kids play in an open field or in the woods, they are experiencing nature and learning how to relate to natural things. So many messages are going into their minds, so much information is being absorbed. It's very different when our kids spend their hours alone with popular video games like Nintendo, which work within the subterranean stratum of the subjective mind, aligning vasanas in the chitta to kill, kill, kill. Nintendo--it awakens the desires to succeed through intimidation and force. Nintendo--it teaches kids that the world is full of enemies to be slayed, opponents to be conquered, attackers to be attacked first. Nintendo--it complements a strategy to develop a nation of terrorists within every home that harbors this asuric mechanism. For those who don't know, Nintendo is a Japanese-produced video computer system that pl...
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