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#Handwriting #Improvement Do you have any problem related to handwriting? Do you want to score 5-10% extra? Join us & improve/repair your handwriting in 15 days using scientific techniques and exclusive course material. First batch starting from 1st April 2017. Limited seats, Book now. Call us @ 9641764505 / 7797740118 / 9593071074 Or visit us @ Daksh Tutorials, Upper Arithang, Rai Cottage, Opposite Canara Bank, Gangtok.

Group Discussion – Preparation and Strategies

The group discussion gives the employer an opportunity to assess and observe your behavior in action. Many companies participating in CA campus placements conduct GDs as the first round to shortlist candidates for PI. Hence, it is very much imperative for the candidates to be fully prepared to crack the GD and proceed to the next round. Here are a few strategies to successful crack Group Discussion: Ensure you contribute to the group Ensure you contribute to the conversation. Often candidates take up behaviors or actions that aren’t actively contributing to the group’s outcome. For example, taking lead of the group, standing up to make notes on a board. Be careful not to fall into the trap of regarding these behaviors as earning you some positive points. In some cases these behaviors can even lead to you being alienated by other group members. Manage your body language Ensure good body language and maintain relaxed eye contact. Make sure when you are listening to oth...
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Only one exam for engineering.

A single entrance exam will be conducted for all 3,500 engineering colleges in the country from next year, with the Center issuing orders to this effect on Friday. The National Entrance Examination for Engineering and Architecture (NEEEA) will replace all existing tests, including those held by Sikkim, Bengal and several other states, for B.Tech seats in government and private colleges. It will also replace entrance tests conducted by various private engineering varsities and taken by nearly 25 lakh students every year. Friday’s order issued by the HRD ministry asks the All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE) to frame rules for the test. “Since the proposal is in accordance with the policy of the government to improve standards and quality of engineering education, AICTE is advised to issue suitable regulation for its implementation from 2018-19,” the order issued by R. Subrahmanyam, additional secretary in the HRD ministry.  The council has been asked to ensur...

10 Tips to success in Job interviews

इंटरव्यू  में  सफल   होने  के  लिए  इन 10 बातों  पर  ध्यान  आवश्य  दे। 1)  CV /  Resume आपकी  CV का  मकसद  अपने  potential employer को  यह  दिखाना  होना  चाहिए  की  क्यों  आप  इस  जॉब  के  लिए  best person हैं .आपकी  CV ही  आपसे  related वो  पहली  चीज  होती  है  जो  Interviewer के  सामने  जाती  है।  कह  सकते  हैं  कि  उनकी  नज़रों  में  यही  आपका  first impression होता  है। अगर  interviewer को  CV अच्छी  नहीं  लगी , या  उसमे  बचकानी  mistakes दिखीं  तो  आपके  लिए  उसका  perception खाराब  हो  सकता  है, और  ये  भी  ध्यान  रखें कि  आपकी  छोटी  छोटी  बातें  कहीं   ना  कहीं  आपकी  बड़ी -बड़ी ...

How to Increase Your IQ ?

Our brain muscles too need exercising to build, shape and organise itself IQ, which means Intelligence Quotient, measures how brainy you are Einstein is said to have had an IQ score of 160-190 Now, who doesn't like to be brainy or called an Einstein ? We all aspire to be the intelligent one, who can answer all the tricky questions at the snap of the fingers while the others gaze and wonder. The brain is a miraculous organ with incredible capabilities, and good intelligence can take you a long way towards your road to success. So how can you work on it? In the early 1900s, a German Psychologist called William Stern coined the term "IQ", which means Intelligence Quotient, and it referred to a series of intelligence tests with a system of scoring called IQ that could determine one's intelligence. Various other researchers worked on devising the tests along the years to arrive at what we popularly call IQ tests today. IQ tests are largely included in school ...

Important Tips & Tricks for Board Exams preparation.

Board Exam:- Board Exams play a vital role in shaping the future career of any student as the grades which a student is able to secure in the Board Exams essentially shape the future prospect for the student. Exam Strategy:- Student should realistically take up each subject and go through all the topics and chapters in it. Getting your hands on N.C.E.R.T. textbooks will guide you towards clearing your concepts and sharpening your skills on a topic as chances of questions appearing beyond the prescribed text book are very little. Syllabus:- Get the copy of the syllabus from the website of the concerned school board, be it Central Board for School Education (C.B.S.E.), Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (I.C.S.E), Indian School Certificate (I.S.C.) or any other Regional Board. Find a Quite Place:- Ensure that you are away from any kind of electronic gadgets, be it Television, Mobile Phone, Laptop or Radio as you start your preparations for the upcoming exam...

One Year = 365 possibilities

War Toys And Real War

The subconscious mind consists of all of our memory patterns. Especially potent are those that are bound to emotions. It is a rather dumb state, for it records and holds only that which is put into it. These memory banks are like a recordable CD or DVD, which for a baby freshly born has nothing upon it at first. But with that first cry, the subconscious is activated and begins to record all the impressions. Those that get there first shape the experiences of later life. Of course, there are positive and creative computer games, but not that many. More are needed. Perhaps there are among our readers programmers who could develop a series of games based on Education. That would be nice. In the meantime, we may think a Nintendo game or a toy gun is harmless because it does not actually kill anybody. But what it does do is give permission to kill and makes psychological preparations to kill, and that is very dangerous. Survival and conquest by ruthless elimination of competitors bec...

Personality and Individuality

Many people become attached to their personality and suffer when it changes. One cannot, however, be attached to his individuality. In identifying the difference between personality and individuality, we can say that man's individuality is the actinic, superconscious mind, which is constant, permanent, ever-unfolding and secure, and deep within, at a more intense rate of vibration than his odic conscious and subconscious mind, which make up the ever-changing personality. It is conceivable that man can have many different personalities, but he can have only one constantly unfolding individuality. And so it is the ego or personality masks we must identify as being the unreal and impermanent, and the actinic individuality as being the permanent, secure, ever unfolding and refined actinic phase of the mind. This week do an internal concentration on the words personality and individuality. Try to locate your individuality by identifying your several masks or personalities that you h...

Games That Kill

Nintendo--it's a toy, but it's not a game. Toys have real influence in shaping young minds and emotions, more than parents realize. When kids play in an open field or in the woods, they are experiencing nature and learning how to relate to natural things. So many messages are going into their minds, so much information is being absorbed. It's very different when our kids spend their hours alone with popular video games like Nintendo, which work within the subterranean stratum of the subjective mind, aligning vasanas in the chitta to kill, kill, kill. Nintendo--it awakens the desires to succeed through intimidation and force. Nintendo--it teaches kids that the world is full of enemies to be slayed, opponents to be conquered, attackers to be attacked first. Nintendo--it complements a strategy to develop a nation of terrorists within every home that harbors this asuric mechanism. For those who don't know, Nintendo is a Japanese-produced video computer system that pl...